New Moon In Gemini Forecast by Alison Ormsby

We have a special cosmic forecast by our featured astrologer, Alison Ormsby of 8th House Astro guiding us through this next lunar cycle to better help us work with the energy of the month ahead:
The New Moon in Gemini occurs on Monday May 30th at 7:32am ET. Eclipse season comes to a close, and with Mercury back-spinning through Gemini, we receive the opportunity to reflect and review conversations, thoughts, and pieces of ourselves that have been lurking in the shadows. This New Moon is relatively reflective, with ample time for seed planting and generous bouts of communication.
Gemini favors synthesis, learning, exchanging, and visioning. Since Mercury is still retrograde, the time to make sense of the past and look at old ideas in a new / creative light is preferred over trying to ‘reinvent the wheel' so to speak. Sure, technology may be glitchy, and communication wires crossed…but ultimately Mercury retrograde is trying to bring us insight about old beliefs and thought patterns that no longer serve. Since New Moons can zap our energy, and late-night Thursday brought us a tender and emotionally activating opening through a Pluto-Venus square, take time to rest and calm the nervous system this weekend.
Below are some reflective journal prompts for you to utilize this New Moon, when luna is invisible to the naked eye:
“What limiting self-beliefs have caused me great pain in the past?”
“If I were to re-write those beliefs, what would I rather believe about myself?”
“What am I willing to look at within myself to better understand?”
“What am I curious about now? Do I have an outlet for that curiosity?”
Learn more about Alison & 8th House Astro HERE.